PanTerra Pets - Uncommonly Cool

Welcome to our site! Here you will find a collection of the information we have gathered from our experiences while raising and breeding insects, reptiles, and amphibians that are not commonly kept in the pet hobby. These creatures have intrigued and captivated us since the moment we laid eyes on them, and we hope to help you experience them in the same way! In addition, we are here to supply you with your very own uncommon pets, as well as all the tools, supplies and information you will need to ensure that they thrive in your care!

We currently have Hierodula Indonesia, GhostGiant Asian, Peruvian Leaf, and Golden Giant Asian mantises available now. And we have GhostGiant Asian, Grizzled, Peruvian Leaf, Hierodula Indonesia, Golden Giant Asian and Orchid mantis oothecae incubating now. So please check back often to see what is newly available!

We provide specific caresheets on the site for each species that we offer, written directly from our own experiences raising each species and other information we have gathered from the amazing hobbyists we have met along the way!



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