Red Nerve Plant (Fittonia)

PanTerra Pets


We offer a variety of organically grown, pesticide-free live plants that are safe to plant in your pet's enclosure!

Red Nerve Plant (Fittonia) is a member of the Acanthaceae family of plants and can be found in South America, mainly Peru. The leaves are heavily veined with a dark pinkish red pattern. Fittonia generally stays on the shorter side,  but can reach 6-12 inches tall, if not regularly pruned.

The plants we sell here are starter plants, which means they are small enough to fit in a 7 inch tall terrarium, but if they are well taken care of, they will grow much larger than that and will make excellent additions to your larger living vivariums as well!

WE SHIP ALL OUR PLANTS BARE ROOT, but if you are not ready to plant them right away, they can be kept in a window, or under an artificial light source in a small vase with water for several weeks without issue, just don't let them dry up, the roots must always stay submerged under water!

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